The Psychoanalytic Relationship: Beginnings
Diane Barclay, LCSW
This course studies the beginning phase of treatment, examining the experience of the initial interviews and the engagement of the patient in the analytic process. We will begin to explore the multiple levels on which the analyst and the analysand co-participate.
Clinical Seminar: The Psychoanalytic Relationship and the Study of Transference
David Newman, LCSW
An exploration of the development of the concept of transference from Freud’s use of it in the postscript to “Dora” (1905) until the present. Using candidates’ case material, we highlight and explicate transference and countertransference patterns
Freudian Theory I
Katherine Jenness, Ph.D.
This course will provide the student with a chronologically organized overview of Freud( evolving theory of psychoanalysis through the examination of his major theoretical writings. The course will include an introduction to Freud’s biography, his scientific background and orientation, and the clinical contexts within which he formulated his ideas. Major emphasis will be placed upon the elucidation of Freud’s three successive models of the mind (the affect-trauma model, the topographic model, and the structural model), his changing instinct theories, his two major theories of anxiety, and the relation of these to contemporary psychoanalytic thought. The first trimester will span the years 1893-1914, and the second trimester will include Freud’s writings from 1915-1936.
Clinical Seminar: The Psychoanalytic Relationship and the Study of Transference/ Countertransference Interaction
David M. Castro, Ph.D.
The course includes a study of some significant literature pertaining to these two key concepts. In addition, students present clinical material with an eye toward examining the analytic interaction.
Freudian Theory II
Christina Nadler, Licensed Psychoanalyst, Ph.D.
Continuation of Freudian Theory I.
Clinical Seminar: The Psychoanalytic Relationship and the Study of Countertransference
Robert Levin, LCSW.
The course continues the study of the interaction between transference and countertransference, with the literature focusing more upon the issues of countertransference.
Race and Culture
Chanda Griffin, LCSW
Course description:TBA
Sullivan and the Development of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis
Stefan R. Zicht, Psy.D.
This is a course on the foundations of interpersonal theory. It covers Sullivan the man and his theoretical, clinical and social missions. The course will explore the basic premises of interpersonal theory and its evolution to the pluralism of Interpersonal psychoanalysis including: the centrality of anxiety, security operations, participant observation, detailed inquiry, selective inattention, parataxis, and dissociation. These concepts will be elaborated within a theoretical and clinical framework and the presentation of clinical vignettes.
Existentialists and Early Interpersonalists
Stephen Friedman, LCSW
The course uses readings in the existential and early interpersonal literature and discussion of the implications of these readings for psychoanalytic practice, including case presentations by both the instructor and candidates. The course concludes with an examination of these themes in the current psychoanalytic literature.
Clinical Seminar: Sullivanian Theory in Clinical Practice
Anton Hart, Ph.D.
This clinical course will focus on Sullivanian and Post-Sullivanian clinical technique. The goal is to apply Interpersonal theory to treatment approaches. The course will rely heavily on clinical material from the practices of the class and the instructor to illustrate how following the “thread” of anxiety can deepen the process.
Contemporary Freudian Theories
Steven Demby, Ph.D.
This course will study the lines of development in Freudian theory from the fifties through the present, indicating some primary contributors to shifts, integrations, and divergences. Emphasis will be impact of theoretical shifts on technique. Starting with J. Sandler, and A. Freud, the course will move through the American Freudians of the fifties, sixties and seventies, including Brenner, Loewald, Stone, Pine and the more recent formulations of Bach, Busch, Goldberger, Grunes, Ogden, Gabbard and Renik.
Dreams 1
Blair Casdin, LCSW
This course surveys the evolution of dream theory beginning with Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams and culminates in the contemporary writings of Blechner, Bosnak, Bromberg, Ogden, Lippmann and Wilner. Dreams are studied as a vehicle for the patient and analyst’s use of analogic and metaphoric play, the communication of transference/countertransference issues and the creative expression of the Unconscious. Half of the class time will be devoted to clinical presentation of dream material.
Object Relations I
Pat Hunter, Ph.D.
This course traces the development of object relations thinking by reading the basic works of the pioneer object relations theorists. The course focuses on the British School. We begin by discussing Freud as an object relations theorist, and explore how object relations ideas have evolved with readings from Ferenczi, Klein, Winnicott, Fairbairn, Guntrip and M. Balint.
Clinical Seminar: The Transference/Countertransference Matrix
Elke Epstein, Ph.D.
This course will build on the previous years’ clinical courses and will use the format of continuous case presentation. A detailed examination of candidates’ clinical presentations will be used to highlight interactional themes in the co-participant nature of the analytic relationship.
Gender and Sexuality in Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice
Sherwood McPhaul, LCSW
This course will be a study of psychoanalytic thought about gender and sexuality, emphasizing the contributions of feminist, postmodern, and queer theorists. Discussion of readings will be complemented by candidates’ presentations of clinical material about gender, sexuality, desire, relationships and related transference and countertransference.
Infant Research
Alexandra Cattaruzza, M.S., L.P., FIPA
The explosion in infant research over the last two decades has had a significant impact on the theory and practice of psychoanalysis. This impact is not without controversy. This course will focus on the major findings of this research in the context of child development and the implications of adult treatment. The ‘self’ as articulated by Daniel Stern will be studied in detail. The work of researchers and theoreticians such as Beebe, Lachmann and Lichtenberg will also be considered.
Contemporary Interpersonal Theory and Practice
James Traub, LCSW
Beginning with questions raised by the contributions of Sullivan and Fromm, and continuing into the most contemporary literature in interpersonal psychoanalysis, this course attempts to integrate contemporary interpersonal thinking regarding the development of self in an individual’s particular interpersonal history and in an individual’s current psychoanalytic experience. Particular attention is directed to such issues as: the perpetuation and reenactment of one’s interpersonal patterns within the analytic relationship; the meaning of the transference-countertransference; intersubjective interaction; how and what we come to know in the analytic process; how the psychoanalytic relationship, at best, is a significant path of change; and what makes for change, or not-change, in an analysis.
Clinical Seminar: The Difficult Patient
Robert K. Katz, Ph.D.
The basic premise of the course is that the problems in working with the so called ‘Difficult Patient’ are to be found in the countertransference. The course is designed to enhance the candidates’ capacity to remain psychoanalytically centered and focused in the face of the onslaught of the anxiety that arises naturally when encountering the problematic aspects of the patient’s personality. The predominant focus will be on strengthening the candidates’ ability to use their selves’ as an instrument of psychoanalytic understanding. This will be accomplished by forging a better understanding of both the clinical and conceptual foundations of working from a contemporary interpersonal perspective.
Trauma in Clinical practice
Faculty: TBA
Course description: TBA
Clinical Seminar: Dreams II
George Whitson, Ph.D.
This course will be conducted as an experiential dream seminar. Participants will present dreams to the group for exploration to deepen our understanding of how dreams function both intra-psychically and interpersonally. Special attention will be paid to both emotion and metaphor in the dream experience.
Object Relations II
Veronica Csillag, LCSW
This course will review the development of object relations theory from Bion through Segal and Joseph to more contemporary thinkers, such as Green, Bollas, Britton, Grotstein, Ogden, and beyond. Bion’s theories of thinking, concepts of containment, reverie, symbol formation and symbolic equation, impasse and the negative therapeutic reaction will be elucidated. The emergence of the two-person psychoanalytic approach within the object relations world will be addressed. Similarities and differences between the modern object relations schools and the interpersonal tradition will be highlighted. The discussion of relevant literature will be augmented by clinical presentations.
Clinical Seminar: Self Psychology and Intersubjectivity
Sarah Mendelsohn, LCSW
The course will focus on the main concepts of self psychological theory and the allied theory of intersubjectivity formulated by Stolorow and Atwood. While the course will cover the development of self psychology from Kohut’s initial formulations to contemporary concepts, emphasis will be on more contemporary self psychology and intersubjectivity theory. Basic concepts will be illustrated with considerable clinical material.
Clinical Seminar: Contemporary Relational Theories and Practice
Steve Kirschner, LCSW
Relational psychoanalysis is an integrative contemporary orientation to psychoanalytic theory and practice that extends and develops ideas and an approach to clinical practice originating in American interpersonal psychoanalysis, British object relational psychoanalysis, and some of the American self psychological schools. This seminar for advanced candidates is intended to focus on relational concepts and their application in the clinical psychoanalytic situation, with special reference to technique. The emphasis will be in how relational analysts work. The format will combine features of a clinical case seminar with that of a theory class. Candidates will present clinical material for discussion, and papers from the contemporary relational literature, including newly published ones, will be assigned on a week by week basis, selected to illuminate the case being presented and the ideas under discussion.
Clinical Seminar: The Curative Process
John Turtz, Ph.D.
Through the study of clinical material and relevant readings, the major psychoanalytic views on the curative process will be examined. This course will explore the classical, object-relational, self-psychological, interpersonal, relational, and existential positions on the nature of therapeutic action. The course will examine, from the various theoretical perspectives, the role of such factors as interpretation, insight, identification, interpersonal experience, play, regression, empathy, and transference and countertransference analysis.
Candidates in the Certificate Program in Psychoanalysis and LQP may elect to design a specialized course of study for their fifth year. Typically, there are no course requirements for the fifth year. However, candidates often choose to create an informal study group, based on the group’s interests, meeting with a faculty member of their own choosing. In addition, the Institute offers a 5th Year Specialty Training Option. Upon consultation with the Co-Directors and Director of Training, fourth year candidates may create a specific course of study in a specialty clinical or theoretical area for their fifth year.
To use a college analogy: if adult psychoanalysis is the “major,” the Fifth Year Specialty Training will be the “minor.” Examples of such areas of study are: adult development, intersubjectivity, psychoanalytic research, child therapy. The specialty training will consist of three integrated courses. If the specialty is clinical, an additional individual supervised experience of 40 hours will also be required. If the specialty is theoretical, an individual mentor will be assigned to supervise the writing of a scholarly paper. The class will participate in the creation of this individualized program, and will be expected to begin this planning process no later than the beginning of the fourth year. Upon completion of this specialty training, and upon approval of the Training Committee, candidates are awarded a Certificate of Completion of Specialty Training. The faculty, drawn from the Institute and the wider community, will have extensive experience in the theory, practice and/or research of the specialty area. A particular year’s specialty course of study will also be open to graduates of the Institute. The Fifth Year Specialty Training is not open to those outside of the Institute. The fee for the coursework and the supervision will be that of the regular course of study in the Certificate Program in Psychoanalysis. If the Specialty Training is not chosen, a matriculation fee of $150 will be assessed per trimester until completion of the program requirements.