This event has occurred. We want to express our great appreciation to everyone who participated and also thank everyone who made a contribution.
Our online fundraiser continues and you can still make a contribution to the Institute. Please see the button below.
Tariq “Black Thought” Trotter, is a Grammy and NAACP award winning musician, activist, and co-founder of “The Roots”, the house band for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. His most recent release is Streams of Thought Vol 3: Cane and Able.
Corey James Gray has built a worldwide following through an array of rap music releases, one-of-a-kind Hip Hop workshops and an extensive international touring schedule spanning close to a decade. As if that weren’t enough he is also a highly sought after DJ and is a songwriter for various artists, commercials and television.
C. Joi TheGodIs Sanchez is an autodidactic polymath and NY native. Between raising two revolutions and being living art, Joi applies all the lessons of their life, work, & educational experience to creating artistic experiences and products in pursuit of the humanization and liberation of Black people. Her two books, BLAH Vol 1 & Hodgepodge can be found on Amazon & her site
Daniel José Gaztambide, PsyD, is assistant director of clinical training in the department of psychology at the New School for Social Research, director of the Frantz Fanon Center for Intersectional Psychology, and a psychotherapist in psychoanalytic training at NYU Post-Doc. He is also a Nuyorican poet and member of the Nuyorican poetry troupe, the Titere Poets.
Isa Guzman is a poet and recent Brooklyn College MFA graduate from Los Sures, Brooklyn. Dedicating their work to the hardship, traumas, and political struggle within the Boricua Diaspora, Isa helps lead several projects including: The Titere Poets Collective, The Pan Con Titeres Podcast, La Esquina Open Mic, and La Cocina Workshop!
Gabriel Ramirez is a Queer Afro-Latinx poet, activist, and teaching artist. Gabriel has received fellowships from The Conversation Literary Arts Festival, Palm Beach Poetry Festival, The Watering Hole, CantoMundo and was a participant of the Callaloo Writers Workshop. Gabriel has performed on Broadway at the New Amsterdam Theatre, United Nations, Lincoln Center, Apollo Theatre and other venues & universities around the nation. Gabriel was featured in Huffington Post, VIBE Magazine, Blavity, Upworthy, The Flama, and Remezcla.Follow Gabriel @RamirezPoet and
Susan Rios is a practicing NYC psychoanalyst and sometimes amateur poet and writer. She is the proud daughter of a Puerto Rican immigrant father and an Irish American mother who blessed her with a life filled with opportunities and plenty of material for either vocation.
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